Monday, July 28, 2008
Untitled: Scene 2 (incomplete)
HCU headquarters were located in Mumbai (or for some Bombay) and hence all the funds used to flow to the Finance capital of India. The posh buildings with all the latest gadgets, HCU headquarters was nothing less than a modern castle. Bangalore office, on the contrary was an old rickety building with broken windows and old termite-ridden doors.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Untitled: Scene 1 (incomplete)

"Help me!", D'souza read it with a strange look.
"Do you see the letter 'M' in the second word. It is number 3 written horizontally." told Anand.
D'souza gets on his walkie-talkie and calls Prem, "Prem, get on the records and check is there any relation between the victim and me. Check medical records, did we share a hospital, Check blood sample and donation camp visits, Check victims where-abouts when I was in bangalore last year, was he also attending the marriage. Check any Goddamn possibility and find me a link. And yeah one more thing, this is off the record. Result should be on my table along side my dinner. Round up the team, call Meddy from the forensic lab, I need her to gather all the details, she wont be able to go to the roof top, but at least get prints on his clothes etc. Take the body to morgue and get the autopsy done by Hammer. Ask him to join us in office for dinner. I want details on that ring you found, there has to be a finger which was supposed to wear it? Find that person. Put two people on it. Check the calls statements from the mobile and his credit life-style from his wallet. Ze can handle this from the back office. Call up the victims family, see who can come down from Kolkatta. Lets gather around 10, we have a story to solve so better stock up the fridge with food and beverages - but no alcohol. Got that?"
"Yes, boss. I will get on it right away. Also, the press is here, what do you want me to say?" asked Prem.
"You know, I don't take the press till I have a lead. Keep them at bay and release the statement that this was an accident. I will handle the hotel staff.", said D'soouza as the line went dead.
"Yeah I saw the letter 'M'. Okay Anand, I am fine being on the suspect list, but as you know I am here to help. You can put your best man to dig any dirty details on me. In the mean time I will see what can I do about this card. You will anyhow breath down my neck during this investigation, so better be of some help. I want you to get the owner and tell him we are on the roof top. If he likes he can join me for evening snacks. And please, as much as possible, keep the owner of my back. I hate people when they drag me down." requested D'souza.
"Fine, I will see what I can do. You go ahead and check the roof. Also, get me a cheese burger for dinner, along with chips and cola. I will be their at 9:30." smiled Anand.
"Mili, you are the Restaurant in-charge?" enquired D'souza.
"Yeah, I am the caretaker of this place. I rushed in as soon as the hotel clerk called me about this incident. As you already know it was our day off." replied Mili, a talented young lady.
"Do you know the victim? Has he visited this place before? And how did he manage to get access to rooftop when it was close?" asked D'souza as he started his investigation.
"Yes, Mr.Parthasarthy has been our regular customer. His father stays at St.Marks each time he visits his son. Mr.Avinash had already booked his engagement ceremony in our banquet hall. It was initially scheduled for 15 of next month, but I recieved a call from Mr.Parthasarthy asking to reschedule the ceremony. I asked for the new date and reason behind it. He said, he prefers it to be on the 3rd of next month without stating any clear reason. Also he requested this information to be hidden from his dad or Ms.Sahay. I am not sure how he managed to reach the roof top." answered Mili. The sadness was clearly visible in her eyes. D'souza was able to see how much Mili was disturbed. Shows how much in the past few days the victim and Mili has interacted.
"Ms.Sahay? Who is she? I dont think software professional got secetaries?" asked the officer, looking around the place for any noticable change in furniture.
"No Ms.Sahay is not his secetary. She is Mr.Parthasarthy's girl friend. They were plannin to get engaged here. She must be broken right now. They looked so nice as a couple. Mr.Parthasarthy has asked me to fill the whole place with lillies. Ms.Sahay has this thing for lillies."
"Well we havent informed any one apart from the immediate family. If you have the contact number of Ms.Sahay, I would you to pass that information to Mr.Nath; he will be hotel lobby. And if possible, please send the elevator boy and your Manager. I would like to have a word with them. They will be in the second floor ball room. Also, if possible, please dont go far. I might need your assistance again." said D'souza, as he walked away towards the edge of the roof.
The railing was approximately 4feet high, with a silver bar running at the top. The mud in the area and on the railing showed that someone has tried to climb on the railing. D'souza knew it would be from the victim's shoes, but this needs to be clarified by his forensic expert. D'souza had a strange feeling as it hasnt rained in Bangalore in a week, so having mud is unlikely. His thoughts were disturbed when a deep voice call out his name.
"Inspector D'souza, I was told by my staff in the ball room I can find you here. Let me introduce myself, I am Kishore Raheja, owner and head of Raheja group of hotels and resort. I was one of the generous doners at the Police Fund raiser function last year. Your head will know me clearly." as he smokes a cuban cigar. This was the introduction of Bangalore's rich and mean business Tycoon, K.Raheja. Clearly the smoke he exhaled gives the vibes of money. Started as a small builder he soon got interested into liquor business. News circulated that he got his liquour license by gifting a penthouse to Minister's wife and probably sleeping with her too.
As Inspector D'souza rounded up with the owner, the elevator boy and the Manager, Mr. Chandu, joined them at the rooftop. The questions were brief and still Inspector D'souza had no clue why Avinash came to the roof top to take a leap. As per the elevator boy, Avinash must have slipped past the delivery boys at the back of the hotel and must have taken the service elevator. No one saw him coming up and no one saw anyone leave. So there is still a chance some might have pushed the victim. The Manager was off duty during lunch hours and the person in-charge Mr. Alok, a confident looking man has joined Inspector D'souza on the rooftop.
"Hello Inspector. My name is Alok. I am afternoon shift sub-manager. How can I be of assistance?", replied Alok. A well built, in mid-twenties, Alok has been working for past 3 years. With some luck and preferences from his love, Mili, he has managed to do more than good in the Raheja chain of hotels.
"Did you know the victim, Mr. Parthasarthy? Did you have any conversation with him lately? Was he tense about anything?" asked the inspector, noticing
Bed, Book & Laptop
Locked down and little sick (cough & cold) I had no choice but to resort to my favo pass time. Sitting on my laptop reading some ramdon article on the net, checking out what new stuff hits the market (mostly in world of computers), reading a book (right now onto the appeal - by john grisham) & watching tv. A story of somesort came to my mind. These are times when I bless my office to give me a laptop. I know the rule state to use it for official purpose only, but it is hard to manage two laptop. So for all sane purposes, I have to bend the rule. Amen! Let us write this story in different blog...
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Review: The Dark Night

So when my brother made plan with his office colleagues for this new blockbluster, I forced my colleague, Sachit for a late night movie too. Though wednesday isn't the best day to go for 10 o clock movie, still it didnt turn out to be such a bad idea (i did manage to reach office in nick of time).
The movie starts of with a little weird stuff, the local public trying to copy-(b)at the batman. Not a great idea, as there is only one hero in these comic books. The entrance with the bat-mobile and then jumping on to the hood of the car or what ever that was left of it - Thats an entrance. Now with the big boys, I mean the rich and hunk kind of guys, like the Bruce Wayne we had, it was sad to see him trying to find girl just because the new DEA is taking out the only girl he likes. Okay fine, I will give Mr.Wayne a little benefit of doubt. After all, he has the money, power and the charm to lure any one of them! Right - Mr. Wayne.
Joker!! Ha ha ha!!! --- Lets put a smile on your face --- The guy has left us all with a oscar-winning performance. I loved his acting all along, yeah remember that magic trick - kids, dont try that home. Comparisons are bad, but what Gabbar showed the Bollywood in Sholey, Joker had the same lasting effect. Even as I left the hall (apart from checking the good crowd) the only voice that lasted was of the J' rather than the Bat.
The worst performer will be the girl-friend. And as this is a cape-crusader film, I expected atleast a better character. Not much of a part, so she didnt pay attention while doing it. Good they finished her of, so in the next part just dont bother having her :) Good job director...
Mr. DEA had a sine-curve job. From being the un-masked hero he became the scared,burnt face villan. The special effect or the make up on the face (what ever it was) was shocking, let alive. Especially the eye! Phew...!! Gives the whole hall jitters.
The background beats, the camera-work, the costumes and the gadget work were all fancy and would have taken great effort to put in. Comissioner Gorden was the usual and the trick of killing him and bringing him back was good. The computer geek with his sonar funda was new and affective, though the hostage wrapped as villan and villan wrapped as hostage was old.
Now, my review is kind of all over the place and that is what made me feel was the movie too... What is the point the director is trying to bring out? That rules aint good? Or no, we humans are bound to make mistake yet with a guiding hand of a hero we can act sane. The ending was good and bad at the same time, but then it is just a prespective.
Again, things to look out for in no specific order:
1. Joker (this anyways would have topped any list)
2. Stunts, a big screen movie.
3. Ofcourse the Bat-man and the Burnt face DEA head.
4. Last and not the least, the gadgets. Car, Bike, clothes... All awesome.
Oops & sorry, forgot to add about Alfred, but then his role is always great. Same goes here :)
So until next time... Keep out of trouble and batman's way!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Review: A Prisoner of Birth by Jeffrey Archer

Jeffrey Archer has done it again. Mesmerizing me with his new Novel - A Prisoner of Birth. His books are more of a screenplay where anyone with half-decent imagination can see it all happening like a movie. Especially born in the Age of Harry Potter, LOTR, Eragon and lot of other enchanting magical stories, the imagination of my-kind reaches far.
The books starts off well, especially the finner details of how the brawl takes place between our hero - Danny Auther Cartwright and the bad guys - Craig and etc... Few lose ends were their during the initial trial, like why no forensic test were conducted on Craig for blood, after all the book is written in the age of Discovery Channel and the ultra violet light. Not even a single drop of blood on the path from the pub to Craig's Apartment? I know I am a bit harsh, but a story of how Craig manages to get away from that would have been fun (and would have made the book last for more than a day for me).
Moving on to the prison part, I can say it was neatly done. I like the way JA kept the interest of readers by making good things happen to our hero Danny in prison. No mention of obscenity in prison was also appreciated otherwise mention of gang rape in showers or brawls are quite common in any story with prison. Lose end again was the not-so-enough reason from Leach to kill or attempt to kill Danny in the showers while the football match was on. Could have added another page or two for a fight between Danny & Leach would have spiced the whole issue (yes I am contradicting my earlier point, but here it seems so relevant to me).
The freedom couldnt have been done better. As some might point out, how can two people look so similar and yet have no blood relation, I can assure them that I have met people in my Life where they look so similar (though in my case the person was a girl). The battle between uncle Hugo and nephew was interesting (and little funny...). But I felt the whole idea regarding the collection of stamps and grandfather's will, were only necessary so Danny can have cash in hand to battle against the gang-of-four (no reference to java community people). Interesting part was how the author subtly mention Danny's progress in study only to open later his skills towards Business and how to handle money-matter.
The revenge was disappointing to me. For me the one in NOT A PENNY LESS, NOT A PENNY MORE was far more elegant. I liked the JA in that book rather here. For me it turned out to be a clip from Hindi movie TRISHUL (oldy with Amitabh bachchan). The silver lining here were the supporting cast and crew (the other characters in the novel) - the bank manager, Scottish legal adviser etc etc. Their parts were well written and really gelled the whole story together making a unforgettable experience for the reader. In the end it was a quick kill in the court, where mistakes were done in plenty by the actual offenders.
As I have no knowledge of Law, especially English law, I was left wondering why the judge denied any reference to the previous sentence? This is something I will need to search and learn on my own.
Things to lookout for will be a long list so I will point out very few of them:
1. Friendship between Danny and Nick, with a great supporting role of the Big Al.
2. The amazing way of find the Second will was fake. I for once was unable to guess what will happen next (again showing my knowledge of Law)
3. Scottish Legal adviser: two amazing act, one was in the court room, second the below the belt hit
4. Love between Danny & Beth - it was kept to apt levels and not overdose of romantic flair. Thank God, the author didnt give bail to Danny once in a while, otherwise Beth would have become a kid-vending machine.
5. Last (from my side, though there will be many more) - the title, A Prisoner of Birth. I am not 100% sure I have got the meaning, but still I can say I have a fair idea which is - you pay for your deeds in this life and this life only & hence everyone is A Prisoner of Birth.
There has been places where JA has mentioned Cricket and I like a true Indian, who may not be best in Cricket, but still holds an opinion, I will say - The book was not a master-blaster package of Sehwag or Peterson's swash-buckling shots, but more of a replay of eligant innings from Sachin or Dravid for that matter. I enjoyed the read, hope you do it too...
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Love with the snakey

Today: Nokia and other mobile companies actually selected SNAKES (or nibble as I like to call it) to be part of our day today life. Especially sunday afternoons during colleage life where we will spend hours and hours beating our previous best. Google once again has gladden lot of people's heart bringing SNAKES back to our life. I am still stuggling, but I hope many others will be able to score much better than what i have achieved so far (140...).
Future: I start to score more in this snakey.. Labs bring in more games like pacman, etc... And we see SNAKEY changing into something unexpected...
Keep playing...
Monday, July 14, 2008
Searching for Apartment in Bangalore
So my first visit was onto Hosur Road (still the work is pending and I dont see it getting completed till 2010). After searching for all friends & family, I managed to convince Sachit to accompany me in-the-hunt-for-a-roof. After the Toyoto and Hyundai Showrooms, turn to Hodlu road, I reached SRK Garden. The place was partially completly and partially sold. After the inital look at the plans and details, we both started checking out the apartments.
We started with Block A (part of the phase 1) and looked around for 3 BHKs (I really want to purchase 3 BHK as my first home - though this dream looks a dream only now). The rooms were really small and the toilets were barely space. We all know the amount of time we spend in toilets, but still comfort in these places should be given relevance. (just kidding).
Sachit and I both came to the conclusion that the builder tried to sqeeze in 3 BHK in 2 BHK space and was not sure how to utilize the space at its best. Finally the visit to C block (which was sold mostly) made us show some good 2 BHK houses (over looking the expected swimming pool).
Over all I was impressed with the quality and the plan of the houses in C block. The draw backs were lot and mainly the reason my brother, father and I thought of not persuing it - The location. With Hosur road far away from New Internaltion Airport, City development will be in the opposite direction. Also, there are lot of local public living in this area, hence not expecting loads of development like malls, showrooms coming in and around.
Sorry SRK Gardens, but you will have to live without us and we will live without you. Had these appartment anywhere closer to the city, would have thought of buying it.
So the search for roof, still continues with inputs from Dad. bhaiya and loads of helping friends...