"The person jumped right of the roof, officer", tea stall vendor told the plain-suit officer, standing right next to a dis-mangled figure covered with blood and a white sheet.
"Where were you when he jumped, did you see him jumping?", asked the middle-aged, homicide crime unit (HCU) office, Mr. D'souza.
"I was here only sir, selling tea and biscuits to the folks passing on the street. I heard a loud crash, then the car siren went off. Finally the lady I was serving tea, started screaming. I turned around to see the guy for the first time, lying on the smashed car parked on the shoulder of the road. Some people were pointing at the roof top. I also looked up to see where he has jumped from. Such a horrible site sir.", replied the vendor.
"Did you see anyone on the roof top when he jumped, there is a restaurant at the top? It is afternoon, people should be eating there. Someone should have stopped him." asked the officer.
"No sir, there will be no one today. Once a month, this restaurant is closed, generally it is first Saturday of every month, but this time they had a big party organized here. So they chose the third Saturday. No one is there on the roof top restaurant." replied the vendor.
After asking the general information about the tea stall vendor, Mr.D'souza called his junior officer to know more about the victim.
The junior officer walked up to D'souza and handed him few articles, kept inside a plastic bag.
"We found this wallet, mobile and a ring in a white envelope with no names on it, inside his pocket. Victim is Avinash Parthasarthy, resident of kolkata, working here as a software professional. I ran a check on our local database, found out he was once roughed up by RT Nagar police (north Bangalore) for possession of drugs. Got bailed out from his rich dad and since then attending some rehabilitation program. Guess is, the judge is Golf time-buddy with the rich boy's dad. Didn't get any sentence, just a warning as the quantity was less than 10gms. Self-use." informed the officer, Mr. Nath.
"Thanks Prem, call the forensic team, ask them to check out the roof top. Already the local police and their inefficient constables would have left you enough prints & enough problems to find the right information. I will go and talk to Mr.Anand, may be I can convince him to take the local police off, so we can get some work done here. Till then secure the whole area, re-route the traffic, ask the manager of the hotel no one leaves; even to piss. I need everyone in the ball-room. It is on the 2nd floor." ordered the senior man.
"How do you know so much about this hotel? You shifted recently to Bangalore? And the place looks like more than our pay-level." inquired Prem.
"Well, my wife's close relative got married last year and I had to attend that marriage. Accidentally that happened here, this very hotel. If they haven't renovated recently, the building is most likely to be the same.", D'souza said, as he walked into the entrance of Hotel Grand, searching for the officer in charge Mr.Anand, a corrupt officer, know to accept hafta (bribe) from the hotel & resorts which come in plenty in his area.
The entranced looked exactly the same to the senior officer, like when he visited with his wife the year before. Mirrors with Golden border makes up the facade & the big illuminated letters G.R.A.N.D. making the hotel look rather too expensive. The rich and poor both are part of the success of this hotel, while the rich throw away money on anything the hotel offers, it is the poor who worked hours in kitchens, rooms, halls to make it large & indeed Grand. How apt the name of the hotel was.
The hotel was not a normal 5 star luxury comfort in the city. It was owned by a rich liquor tycoon, Mr. K. Raheja, who rather spends extra when it comes to buildings. Along with his 5 resorts on the outskirts of Bangalore, he had 2 very special hotels, one right at the center of the city on St.Marks road, named St.Marks where as Hotel Grand lies on the Outer ring road. The hotel was build over the period of 4 years 2001-05 by the renowned WATG company (who has places like The Royal Hawaiian hotel in Waikiki, The palace tower at Caesar's palace and others, part of their portfolio) over an area of 50,000 sq feet having banquet hall and meeting facilities, full time spa and fitness center, retail shops, restaurants (including the one on the roof top from where the victim jumped), swimming complex with marble-lined pools, two whirlpools, pool bar and 500 sq feet rooms giving the extra space guests needs.
As Mr.D'souza entered the hotel through the golden revolving doors, stepping on the fine Italian marble floor having the Persian rug leading to the Concierge desk, a voice called him over to the waiting lounge towards the left of the entrance.
"My old friend. So you finally made it. Are you getting old, taking time to reach here or your man briefed you regarding the corpse on the hood of the car?", replied Mr.Anand.
"As for friend, I don't mingle with the local police and yeah the man under my orders follows professional approach, which other departments have certainly lacked in the past." snapped D'souza.
"Enough of the chit-chat and discussion. What are you doing here? Aren't you at the roof top taking care of any possible evidence?" added D'souza sarcastically. "And why did you call me? This doesn't reach us until you send the FIR (first information report) to our department." inquire D'souza.
"Even when a high profile suicide like this happens, we do not go banging on the HCU door. Apart from the other stuff boy head, there was a business card in his hand. I knew your man will sniff the other stuff from a distance, but I managed to take the card away. And guess what, whose name is on that card - Mr. Alex D'Souza, Senior Field officer, Homicide Crime Unit. Isn't that strange?" barked Anand.
Anand continued and said, "As for the barging in into the elite Grand Hotel, I was stopped by our so-called justice department. The hotel owner has restricted our access till his arrival in the evening and we don't want charges against our department for trespassing. Understood?"
"So you have already made up your mind that this is a suicide and not a murder. Interesting! But you know how 'I' operate. There has been a murder and no bloody judge can give me orders to stay here as this is objection to investigation. As for the owner, I know his relation with you and that certainly hampers your act of duty. I am not waiting here, till some old man comes and give us pep-talk. Got that!". replied D'souza with a touch of arrogance.
"Listen pal! I haven't decided what it is, to me it doesn't matter. The guy is dead, either his corpse will send us hunting for a murderer or a slow process of solving why he leaped of the building. It will not gonna bring him back. I am doing as much as my job as I can, for old time sake I pick the card of and waited till you come. Yes, I have business with the hotel owner, but that shouldn't be your concern right now, what should be your concerned is, how to investigate this case while you are on the suspects list. Try to think about that in this air conditioned waiting lounge, while I come back after a smoke." Anand said while jabbing the card into D'souza's chest and started walking towards the lounge glass door.
D'souza do not approve Anand as an officer. They had been together in the academy and were fast friends. Sharing the same room, their goals were somewhat similar. Anand was smarter than D'souza and has aced all his exams, physical & mental. D'souza was his toughest competitor yet they remain friends. Both had plans to sit for senior exams after completion of Police academy training. With big-appetite for homicides and knack of solving mysteries, both were destined to become great crime investigators. But fate had other ideas. Death of Anand's father, made him discontinue his study. Lack of financial support forced Anand to join the Police force to earn two-piece of bread for his family. That was the end of a friendship which one existed between D'souza and Anand. While D'souza continued to be as bright he was (and no more challenges from Anand) he entered into the Homicide crime unit where as Anand was left with the bitterness of life. Money was the soul aim of his living. For what could have been an honest officer, he became a shame to police force. Even D'souza couldn't manage to save Anand from his misery.
"Wait Anand. I want to talk to you. First, why should I be the investigating officer. Have you reported the details to Chief? Did he? And just because Avinash had my card doesn't mean I am on the suspect list?" said D'souza.
Mr. Ashok Darward was man of principles. He ran the police force as a school, where he is the principal and all officers on his teaching staff. Though Chief is more of a western style of addressing the senior most officer in police, Ashok's craze for English movies has earned him the same title of Chief and somewhat the same respect.
"You know how it works in our department. Chiefs gets all first hand details. And he agreed with the idea of removing the card. Flip the card and you will know the reason why I called you. I could have taken you into custody for question with this card, but my instincts says the corpse wanted you more than us." cleared Anand.
D'souza flipped the card to see the letters written:

"Help me!", D'souza read it with a strange look.
"Do you see the letter 'M' in the second word. It is number 3 written horizontally." told Anand.
D'souza gets on his walkie-talkie and calls Prem, "Prem, get on the records and check is there any relation between the victim and me. Check medical records, did we share a hospital, Check blood sample and donation camp visits, Check victims where-abouts when I was in bangalore last year, was he also attending the marriage. Check any Goddamn possibility and find me a link. And yeah one more thing, this is off the record. Result should be on my table along side my dinner. Round up the team, call Meddy from the forensic lab, I need her to gather all the details, she wont be able to go to the roof top, but at least get prints on his clothes etc. Take the body to morgue and get the autopsy done by Hammer. Ask him to join us in office for dinner. I want details on that ring you found, there has to be a finger which was supposed to wear it? Find that person. Put two people on it. Check the calls statements from the mobile and his credit life-style from his wallet. Ze can handle this from the back office. Call up the victims family, see who can come down from Kolkatta. Lets gather around 10, we have a story to solve so better stock up the fridge with food and beverages - but no alcohol. Got that?"
"Yes, boss. I will get on it right away. Also, the press is here, what do you want me to say?" asked Prem.
"You know, I don't take the press till I have a lead. Keep them at bay and release the statement that this was an accident. I will handle the hotel staff.", said D'soouza as the line went dead.
"Yeah I saw the letter 'M'. Okay Anand, I am fine being on the suspect list, but as you know I am here to help. You can put your best man to dig any dirty details on me. In the mean time I will see what can I do about this card. You will anyhow breath down my neck during this investigation, so better be of some help. I want you to get the owner and tell him we are on the roof top. If he likes he can join me for evening snacks. And please, as much as possible, keep the owner of my back. I hate people when they drag me down." requested D'souza.
"Fine, I will see what I can do. You go ahead and check the roof. Also, get me a cheese burger for dinner, along with chips and cola. I will be their at 9:30." smiled Anand.
"Mili, you are the Restaurant in-charge?" enquired D'souza.
"Yeah, I am the caretaker of this place. I rushed in as soon as the hotel clerk called me about this incident. As you already know it was our day off." replied Mili, a talented young lady.
"Do you know the victim? Has he visited this place before? And how did he manage to get access to rooftop when it was close?" asked D'souza as he started his investigation.
"Yes, Mr.Parthasarthy has been our regular customer. His father stays at St.Marks each time he visits his son. Mr.Avinash had already booked his engagement ceremony in our banquet hall. It was initially scheduled for 15 of next month, but I recieved a call from Mr.Parthasarthy asking to reschedule the ceremony. I asked for the new date and reason behind it. He said, he prefers it to be on the 3rd of next month without stating any clear reason. Also he requested this information to be hidden from his dad or Ms.Sahay. I am not sure how he managed to reach the roof top." answered Mili. The sadness was clearly visible in her eyes. D'souza was able to see how much Mili was disturbed. Shows how much in the past few days the victim and Mili has interacted.
"Ms.Sahay? Who is she? I dont think software professional got secetaries?" asked the officer, looking around the place for any noticable change in furniture.
"No Ms.Sahay is not his secetary. She is Mr.Parthasarthy's girl friend. They were plannin to get engaged here. She must be broken right now. They looked so nice as a couple. Mr.Parthasarthy has asked me to fill the whole place with lillies. Ms.Sahay has this thing for lillies."
"Well we havent informed any one apart from the immediate family. If you have the contact number of Ms.Sahay, I would you to pass that information to Mr.Nath; he will be hotel lobby. And if possible, please send the elevator boy and your Manager. I would like to have a word with them. They will be in the second floor ball room. Also, if possible, please dont go far. I might need your assistance again." said D'souza, as he walked away towards the edge of the roof.
The railing was approximately 4feet high, with a silver bar running at the top. The mud in the area and on the railing showed that someone has tried to climb on the railing. D'souza knew it would be from the victim's shoes, but this needs to be clarified by his forensic expert. D'souza had a strange feeling as it hasnt rained in Bangalore in a week, so having mud is unlikely. His thoughts were disturbed when a deep voice call out his name.
"Inspector D'souza, I was told by my staff in the ball room I can find you here. Let me introduce myself, I am Kishore Raheja, owner and head of Raheja group of hotels and resort. I was one of the generous doners at the Police Fund raiser function last year. Your head will know me clearly." as he smokes a cuban cigar. This was the introduction of Bangalore's rich and mean business Tycoon, K.Raheja. Clearly the smoke he exhaled gives the vibes of money. Started as a small builder he soon got interested into liquor business. News circulated that he got his liquour license by gifting a penthouse to Minister's wife and probably sleeping with her too.
As Inspector D'souza rounded up with the owner, the elevator boy and the Manager, Mr. Chandu, joined them at the rooftop. The questions were brief and still Inspector D'souza had no clue why Avinash came to the roof top to take a leap. As per the elevator boy, Avinash must have slipped past the delivery boys at the back of the hotel and must have taken the service elevator. No one saw him coming up and no one saw anyone leave. So there is still a chance some might have pushed the victim. The Manager was off duty during lunch hours and the person in-charge Mr. Alok, a confident looking man has joined Inspector D'souza on the rooftop.
"Hello Inspector. My name is Alok. I am afternoon shift sub-manager. How can I be of assistance?", replied Alok. A well built, in mid-twenties, Alok has been working for past 3 years. With some luck and preferences from his love, Mili, he has managed to do more than good in the Raheja chain of hotels.
"Did you know the victim, Mr. Parthasarthy? Did you have any conversation with him lately? Was he tense about anything?" asked the inspector, noticing
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